As I wake and face the day, I wonder who’ll come out to play.
Which Little Lynda will I see, shouting ‘Hey, I’m here, it’s me!’
Anxious Lynda? Oh so scared, afraid of here, afraid of there.
Fearing failure and success. Frozen in place; an anxious mess.
Lacking Lynda? Scraping by, but not enough to live life high.
Undeserving, low self-worth, shouldn’t covet riches on Earth.
Victim Lynda? Poor little girl, unlucky in life; it’s always her.
Suffering countless tragedies, wracked by sadness, darkest grief.
Unlovable Lynda? Eager to please, approval is all she really seeks.
Desperate for love, for adoration, but can she even let it in?
All these aspects, all these parts, shadows from my stories past.
Shaped by others’ thoughts, beliefs, many countless, pieces of ME
I embrace them in my heart with care; tell them I am always there.
Accept them, love them, let them be, for I am they and they are me.
Anxious Lynda, no more fear, there’s only love and strength right here.
Lacking Lynda, want no more, abundance flows from your very core.
Victim Lynda, no more pain, joy and happiness do reign.
Unlovable Lynda, here’s the truth, the very light of love is YOU!
Integrated, whole and true, this is what I’m here to do.
To remember exactly what I am, a reflection of God, made into Man.
When more Little Lynda’s come out to play, I will simply watch, then say,
‘Hello my friend, I know why you’re here, I’ll give you what you need, with cheer.

But if you’re taking this journey with us, get in the back seat – I’M DRIVING THE BUS!’

– Lynda Louise Mangoro

Thank you for reading my poetry, they are my deepest self laid bare. I would like to offer you a free book with a selection of my poems Swimming in Essence: Poetry by Lynda Louise Mangoro. If you enjoy, please share with your friends.