Perspective changes everything
All knowing, or all limiting

Often I’m just little me
Life revolves around what I see
Problems, drama, tears and laughter
History before and future after

A little shift and ‘I’ becomes ‘we’
Connected to all so easily
Problems dissolve in this chain of being
Co-creative, timeless, seeing

It’s just a change in frequency
Tuning in to radio We
Life becomes so clear, so vivid
ALL become my true beloved

Yet I never lose individual Me
I’m MORE of all I was meant to be
Offering my gifts sans fears or shame
Encouraging others to do the same

This perspective a whole new world does birth
Co-operating, creating Heaven on Earth
Instruments of the Source of all
Togetherness, peace and love do rule

Perspective changes everything
All knowing, or – all limiting

– Lynda Louise Mangoro

Thank you for reading my poetry, they are my deepest self laid bare. I would like to offer you a free book with a selection of my poems Swimming in Essence: Poetry by Lynda Louise Mangoro. If you enjoy, please share with your friends.